Here I am, laying in bed, 37 1/2 weeks pregnant! As of Wednesday, I was 3 1/2cm dilated and 80% effaced. The doctor said I could go into labor any day. If I'm still pregnant by my next appointment on Wednesday, she is going to sweep my membranes in hopes to jump start something. I know I technically still have almost three weeks until my due date, but the baby is a good size and my body seems to be getting itself plenty ready. My tailbone, pelvic region, and back can't handle being pregnant much longer! So here's to hoping we get to meet this little girl soon.
Abigail had a bit of a tough week this week. She was pretty emotional and a little irritable for several days. We all thought she was just sensing that things were going to change soon with Isabelle coming and whatnot. She was also refusing to eat most things we'd offer her. After waking up from her nap one day, she told me she was hurting. A little while later, when taking her potty, she began to cry and told me it hurt. It was so sad! I got her into the doctor that day and sure enough - my baby had a UTI. We had to catheterize her at the doctors. It was awful. But she's now had three doses of her antibiotics and is seeming much more like her normal and happy self. I'm so glad I trusted my instincts and got her in to the doctor so quickly! My poor little girl.
Good news! Our neighborhood added another park down the road from us. It's probably about a 3/4 mile walk, which is perfect for some exercise while I'm trying to induce this labor ;). Abigail got to go twice today, which she loved!
She's just the sweetest, silliest, and most adorable little girl. I can't believe we are Blessed enough to be getting another wonderful little gal!! I'm feeling so many emotions with this being so close to reality now.
I love my little family so much.