Today was a great day, despite a couple little hiccups.
It was a beautiful day here in Silverdale. The sun was shining through all my windows and my friend Caitlin came over today! We had a great couple of hours just talking about girl stuff, and our puppies played consistently. It was nice :)
I went to work at 3:30pm, and got sent home at 4:15pm. Short shift, huh? Well, I was feeling totally fine and then withing a few seconds, poof. My eyesight was close to gone, my body got really flushed and I started sweating, and my blood pressure went way up. It was so strange. But random dizzy spells aren't that unusual for me. A co-worker drove me home, and Dan drove me to Urgent Care a little later. They tested for many things, and are doing more tomorrow. I'm sure everything will be just fine, but I'm hoping to get some answers!
After we came home, we watched the movie "50/50." It's about a 27-year old male who gets diagnosed (very unexpectedly) with a rare form of cancer. Unfortunately, they caught it really late. But thankfully, in the end, he ends up being okay. The movie really portrays some of the stages of emotions people go through when dealing with serious things such as cancer and death. It's sad, realistic, and scary. But when it ends, it makes you feel so thankful.

I immediately texted my dad (who I haven't talked to in a day or two) just to say "I love you." Dan also instantly text messaged his mom saying the same. I love when a simple thing such as a song, quote, photo, or movie make you realize how wonderful you have it. Sure, we all have moments that we wish things were different. We all feel pain, regret, sadness, and many other unfortunate emotions. And we all experience things that seem unfair or hard to deal with. But we have life. And we have love. Whether you are in love or not, I guarantee you that there is someone out there who loves the person you really are.
So take a moment out of your crazy days just to say "I love you" to those that you love. I've said that many times, and I will say it millions more. You can't say it enough. And always be thankful. Appreciating what you have can make your life, and those around you, so much better. Life doesn't last forever, but the memories do. So make them count.
But the struggles make you stronger
And the changes make you wise
And happiness has its own way
Of takin' its sweet time
No, life ain't always beautiful
Tears will fall sometimes
Life ain't always beautiful
But it's a beautiful ride