Wow. I worked my last day at my work today!
There are certainly some faces I won't miss seeing, but so many more that I will.
I made a difference. Sounds corny, but I did. One woman (a resident) had a tear fall when she heard it was my last day. How sweet is that?
It was hard to say goodbye, but so great to walk out. Being a CNA is hard work, and I'd be lying if I said taking a few weeks off won't be nice. However, each and every person I helped became like a grandparent to me in a sense. They became my friends. Some shared personal stories with me, others hugs and kisses (only on the head, of course). But each and every one of them will be missed, and I hope that the remaining aids will care for them in a way I did.
Being a CNA is tough. There are so many entertaining, disgusting, hilarious, and emotionally exhausting elements to it. There have been so many deaths in the past couple months, that I think it will be good to clear my head for a while. But how many people can say they got to hold hands, hug, and pray with each person before they passed? I got that opportunity, and those people knew they weren't alone.
I met some great friends through the facility as well. I met some nurses that inspired me, and some that treated and cared for me as if I was one of their own kids. And I made a couple friends of which I have every intention of keeping in contact with.
But I'm home now. Back in my hometown, with my family and friends I love most. If being a CNA teaches you anything, it's the value of love and relationships. It teaches you to value what time you have with those that you love, because it can be over before you know it. And no matter what, I always need to be thankful for my health and happiness, because it doesn't stick around forever. It also teaches ya to be thankful that you know how to wipe your own butt while ya can ;) Trust me - it's a blessing! haha

I must admit - smile's only get more beautiful with age. There is something about an elderly person's smile that is unlike any other. It genuinely warms my heart.
I feel at ease while I'm lying here in bed now. I'm so happy to know that I'm done. Other than a few finals next week, I have no major responsibilities at the moment. I haven't been able to say that in a looooong time!
Life just keeps getting better :)
I've got amazing friends that I plan to keep forever, an incredible family that I love dearly, and a boyfriend that means the world to me!
There are certainly some faces I won't miss seeing, but so many more that I will.
I made a difference. Sounds corny, but I did. One woman (a resident) had a tear fall when she heard it was my last day. How sweet is that?
It was hard to say goodbye, but so great to walk out. Being a CNA is hard work, and I'd be lying if I said taking a few weeks off won't be nice. However, each and every person I helped became like a grandparent to me in a sense. They became my friends. Some shared personal stories with me, others hugs and kisses (only on the head, of course). But each and every one of them will be missed, and I hope that the remaining aids will care for them in a way I did.
Being a CNA is tough. There are so many entertaining, disgusting, hilarious, and emotionally exhausting elements to it. There have been so many deaths in the past couple months, that I think it will be good to clear my head for a while. But how many people can say they got to hold hands, hug, and pray with each person before they passed? I got that opportunity, and those people knew they weren't alone.
I met some great friends through the facility as well. I met some nurses that inspired me, and some that treated and cared for me as if I was one of their own kids. And I made a couple friends of which I have every intention of keeping in contact with.
But I'm home now. Back in my hometown, with my family and friends I love most. If being a CNA teaches you anything, it's the value of love and relationships. It teaches you to value what time you have with those that you love, because it can be over before you know it. And no matter what, I always need to be thankful for my health and happiness, because it doesn't stick around forever. It also teaches ya to be thankful that you know how to wipe your own butt while ya can ;) Trust me - it's a blessing! haha

I must admit - smile's only get more beautiful with age. There is something about an elderly person's smile that is unlike any other. It genuinely warms my heart.
I feel at ease while I'm lying here in bed now. I'm so happy to know that I'm done. Other than a few finals next week, I have no major responsibilities at the moment. I haven't been able to say that in a looooong time!
Life just keeps getting better :)
I've got amazing friends that I plan to keep forever, an incredible family that I love dearly, and a boyfriend that means the world to me!
This blog was wonderful. It sounds like you have learned some valuable lessons in growing old. Keep them close to your heart and know that you were used by God as an instrument because he knows your strengths. You did good Ms. Hannah and I'm so proud of you. I pray you never have to use those skills on me, but just in case, let me thank you ahead of time!! - I may not have the capacity to thank you later ;)