Friend: a person you know well and regard with affection and trust.
Synonyms: Buddy, companion, sidekick.
I've been thinking a lot about friends lately. Trying to discover who my true friends are. They come in groups. I have my friends that I only see while partying or at get-togethers. I have my friends that I can talk to anytime I want, but I don't trust with everything. And I have my friends that have been there for my unconditionally. Those are the ones worth keeping. That group in specific is a pretty small one, consisting mostly of family. But I consider myself lucky. Some people aren't too close with their family. I feel so blessed to say that my mom and sister are my best friends. It's also an amazing feeling to say one of my best friends is my boyfriend. I've also got a couple girls that I couldn't live without :)
In the past few years, I've had a lot of friends come and go. Thankfully, a couple have come back...and one has become a pretty big part of my life again. But some have left and never returned. It hurts, but it's a part of life one must accept. I guess sometimes I just expect too much out of people. Unfortunately, it seems that I have let myself do that again. But what can a girl do? I know that I am a good friend. I am genuine and caring...and possibly too nice. But I have a big heart and that's never going to change.
Anywho, moral of the story is that I can't stop thinking about how grateful I am for the few great friends I have. I wish I saw it like this all of the time, but I don't always have such optimism. I have a family that cares more about me than anyone I know...and I couldn't ask for much more than that. So what if my best friends are related to me? It doesn't make them any less of a friend, and doesn't make me any less popular :)

Hey you, I'll always be there for you. :) and I wish we'd hangout more. :) Because having someone like you in my life would be wonderful miss hannah. :) ♥