Obviously...Oregon wins.
But, Washington doesn't seem so bad thus far.
After all, they did give Dan a good job ;)
Oregon has:
-no sales tax.
-they pump your gas for you (which I never realized how nice that was until 6:45am today when I had to stand outside in my jammies waiting for my tank to fill)
-our families and pets
-the Ducks!
Washington has:
-a cute cozy apartment which Dan and I will start calling "home" soon
-colder weather
-70mph freeways!
-Pro sports (Mariner's and Seahawks)
So many pro's and con's of each. But Oregon will always be home to us. Nothing will ever change that.
Luckily, we're "tax exempt" if we show our Oregon licenses. At least for a while (until we get residency). So I'm just waiting for the moment that I can flash my Oregon drivers license on a cold morning and an employee will run out to pump my gas ;) A girl can dream...right!?

One major "pro" of both states is that college football begins soon! Which means we'll see who really is better *cough* GO DUCKS *cough*
Who said we need to fit in around here anyways?!?
:) Once a duck, always a duck.
GO Ducks! Love you! I'm glad you're writing again! I need to start again too!