Friday, February 12, 2016

An early morning!

Good morning, friends and family! Our day began at 4:45am today, thanks to this new "big-girl bed" thing. Abigail decided that she was well-rested before the sun even came up, and came galavanting into our room, ready to "feed Charlie and watch Mickey Mouse" before my eyes were fully open. We had a full bacon & eggs breakfast eaten by 6:45am! Then we were dressed and off for a day of nannying by 7:15am. We get to hang out with two cute little boys every other Friday for a little extra spending money & it helps out a friend of's a win-win :). 
As I sit here, sleep deprived from a poor nights sleep, I can't help but laugh thinking that this is God's way of preparing me for the new baby. I've always been one to suffer from insomnia, but it's been on a new level lately. Nothing like a big 'ol belly, awkward pregnancy dreams, a super active unborn baby, and a 2-year old that has a cold AND is adjusting to being out of her crib to help contribute to restless nights. ;) 
Speaking of the "big girl bed," let me touch on that! Abigail has officially slept 4 (maybe 5, but I can't remember) nights in it all by herself! Those who know me know that I'm pretty firm on having an "independent sleeper." I've never wanted her to require a fancy routine of any sort (whether it be the lighting, noises, us laying with her, etc.) to fall asleep. We say our prayer with her each night (which she now says with us - and it's ADORABLE), kiss her, lay her down, and simply walk out. She's been a dream at bedtime. I would never judge another family for choosing to co-sleep, etc, that's just not for us.  We had a couple really rough nights at first, one of which Abby and I were up from 11pm on until the next full day! But the last couple of nights, I've watched her (thank you, video monitor) soothe herself both when she's initially going to sleep and when she wakes up throughout the night. It's hard to believe that our little baby girl is growing up to become such a smart, self-sufficient toddler! 

Anyways, back to today.... We got out the door a couple minutes late, much thanks to the front door for jumping in front of Abigail as she walked outside ;). Poor girl ran RIGHT into the open door, bouncing her head off of it so hard that she got knocked onto her butt, hitting the back of her head on the wall inside the house. It wasn't one of her most coordinated moments. Turns out, she does take after her momma in some ways! :) We are now at the boys' house, playing with lots of toys and working on our sharing skills! Hanging out with a 4-year old and a baby under 1 are both great for Abigail, teaching her a good combination of sharing, learning new words and skills, while learning to be gentle and help with a baby, too. As much as we love it, I'm going to stop once baby Isabelle gets here. I want to be sure to focus on my girls and get into a routine of our own, while figuring out how to be the best mother of two that I can be! 

I hope you all are having a great day so far, and that it continues to get better and better! It is FRIDAY! So it can't be too bad, right?! :)

~just being silly in the early hours of the morning~

1 comment:

  1. Awe sounds like you're doing great Hannah :) those two girls of yours are very lucky to have you as their momma!!!
