Friday, February 12, 2016

Upcoming Trip & A New Do! :)

I'm not one to complain, but bear with me. Since people choose if they want to read this or not, I'm just going to let it out!

This winter and pregnancy have both been tough on me. For starters, the entire first trimester was awful. I was sick and tired all day, every day. Taking care of a toddler and trying to move, settle, and maintain our home on top of those things made for a pretty rough few months. 

Then, once I began to feel a bit better, our house got hit with the flu, norovirus, and a cold! All back to back. To say the least, it wasn't fun. Thankfully those things are behind us now (aside from a little cough and snot on Abby's behalf). We are SO thankful to have our health back! 

We just got our final orders (finally) and our trip to San Diego is confirmed!! We are going to be in San Diego from Feb 29-April 15. We decided instead of staying in Coronado this time that we wanted to mix it up and stay on Mission Beach. I have a friend staying there during the same time, too, which will be a lot of fun for me! 

~here's a photo of Mission Beach~

~looks rough, right?!~

I'm quite the homebody in the sense that I like the security of being close to home, but even more so, close to family. I'm not the type of person that enjoys a lot of time to myself. I've always been an extrovert and no matter how exhausted or how many kids I have, I don't see that changing ;).  Since I've been stuck in a bit of a rut this winter between pregnancy "blah's" and the yucky germs going around, I'm pretty excited for a change of scenery and some healing Vitmain D! 

That all being said....I had another boost in my mood yesterday. :) My sister has been doing hair for a while now, and she's really turned out to be an amazing hairstylist. I told her I've been feeling like I need a change, and that I wanted to brighten things up a bit just in time to leave for sunny California! I swear hairstylists are miracle workers ;). 

She totally took me from "drab" to "fab." I don't need to look a certain way to feel good about who I am, and I hope that's not the message that I'm portraying. This just put an extra pep in my step yesterday and gave me back a little spark that I've been missing! And talented is she?! I'm so proud of her. She's always been the "artistic" one of us, and I'm so happy to see her using that talent.
So...thank you sis for making me feel a little better about myself, and for giving me an extra boost in confidence before I leave for our trip! 

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